Monday, November 24, 2014

Happy American Thanksgiving

I have a wish for Santa... SEND ME SOME MAILING ADDRESSES!!! I am talking to Brandon too!!  I asked mom once and you once and I have got nothing. Please send grandparents and Kaitlyn and Brandon's address por favor. Sorry for my impatience. I love you. Also Email me some Christmas stories. me and my companion want to  do that Christmas count down story book. You know what I am talking about? 

My week was alright. God is really testing my patience. We had a lot of cancelled appointments and with Thanksgiving being on the 27th no one is going to want to see us. But I am excited and motivated! We found a former investigator yesterday and set up an appointment with him and also found two potential investigators that we will see this week. I am really excited to get to know them better! Pray that they don't cancel on us.
Update on Drew... He hasn't set a date yet... we are still working with him haha He is praying to decide on which date. We are so close with him. Things are looking good :) I promise. He will probably be baptized near the end of December or the beginning of January. God testing my patience again but it's good! God loves that guy so much and I do too! 

Every morning me and my companion recite a bunch of stuff. But one of the things we recite is this:

Faith is the Power
Obedience is the Price
Love is the Motive
The Spirit is the Key
And Christ is the Reason!

I LOVE that so much because it is so true! But I want to just focus on love being the motive. These past few weeks I can really feel love being my motivation. Love for the message, love for my companion, love for others and a love for God. Charity in missionary work is SO important. I have definitely seen a difference in my attitude and just a way that I look at the work because of the pure love of Christ that I feel! I am just so happy!! People can tell when you really love a message rather than just reciting the message. And love really does motivate you! Things are doing so good here! I am loving my mission and I feel like I am improving a little more each day!! The church is so true!
Keep sending me love! Happy Anniversary! Happy American Thanksgiving! 
I love you! 
Sister Fisher  

Monday, November 17, 2014

Getting Cold

Our car didn't start this morning. It is starting to get really cold and snow and what not. It was really slushy snow too. Humidity, cold air and wind is a nasty mix. 

So I don't have a lot of time to email. This week was great. I felt like I taught the restoration a lot this week! We did a lot of tracting and we could potentially have some new investigators! Maybe even young families!! Cross your fingers! haha 

Up date on Drew... we have not set a date with him yet. He is afraid to fully commit. He wants to be baptized, he really likes what we teach but, He says he doesn't like the idea of a church that tells him who to be. He has some Word of Wisdom problems. So really he just doesn't know if he can give up drugs and his friends. But the other day we got a text from him saying that he is prepared to set a date. I don't know, maybe he got an answer?? We will see how the next lessonon tuesday goes.

I also got to make jewelry this week! A recent convert taught us so now I have a new pearl necklace! It was fun :) ​ 

Well I made it through my first transfer and I am still living! Six more weeks and I will no longer be a greenie!! haha (I get trained for two transfers) 

I love you and wish the best for all of you! 
Sister Fisher :) 

I got to make a blanket with my district. we each made a few squares and then crocheted them all together and gave it to the mission president's wife! I am pretty proud of it!! haha
what do ya think?? haha Have a great week!

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Grand Jury

 I am so glad that you are putting up movie quotes around the new movie room! Take lots of pictures! And Yes I got the drivers abstract and I printed it off and mailed it to the mission home so thank you! 

It is funny that you should say that me and my companion look like sisters. The missionaries in this mission seem to always say that our mission president likes to put missionaries together that look alike. I feel like me and my companion think a lot alike too. She is great :) 

I really like the quote from Brigham Young that you sent me on how Heavenly Father qualifies us for the work. And my cool spiritual experience kinda goes along with that! 
Like Elder Fisher I also had exchanges this week and it was my turn to stay in my area with the STL (Sister Training Leader).  
We had a lesson planned with one of our progressing investigators and his name is Drew. Drew is a deep thinker. We asked him to be baptized before but he wants to think it out and know for sure that this church is true. Which is awesome! So I was a really nervous for this lesson. My STL (Sister Huppi) doesn't know this guy so I had to take control of the lesson.I didn't want to mess up because this guy is so close to baptism. He really gets along with the Webbs who are members in our ward so we have the lessons at there home. 
Fast Sunday was this last Sunday so I fasted and prayed that this lesson (which was on tuesday) would go well and that I wouldn't make a complete fool of myself. I wanted to share something that would be of worth to him. I did everything I could to study and prepare for the lesson with the time I had. 
Tuesday came along and we had the lesson. We text Drew everyday to remind him to read his scriptures and so we were asking him how that was going and he said not good. He tries to consume so much information at one time and he is getting frustrated with his studies. He also tries to take notes while studying which is awesome but he says he has a hard time knowing what to right down. We told him that he is completely normal and that things take time. Understanding the Gospel and understanding the scriptures take time. We talked about the Sabbath day and the importance of attending church and keeping that day holy. He told us he thinks that keeping a day holy is pretty much impossible. With the friends he has and the world that we live in it is impossible. He takes too much on himself. We told him,"Drew, The Lord will be patient with you, you need to be patient with yourself." People make mistakes but that is why we go to church is to renew our convents and just do our best to become better. 
Later in the lesson Sister Huppi told him about the story of the father who brought his son who was over come by demons and was having sezures to the Savior and asked Jesus Christ if he would save him. The Savior asked the Father if he believed if He could heal him. And the father replied, "Lord I believe, Help thou mine unbelief." The spirit was so strong! Drew was even tearing up! Ahh! And then Sister Huppi asked him if he would follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized and he said yes!! We are going to set a date the next time we see him! (Tuesday) This guy is seriously so awesome! He even stayed after the lesson to do some family history with the Webbs! And he came to church again on Sunday
I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father because I know that he hears and answers prayers! He knew I was nervous for that lesson but I felt his love through the whole thing! When we got out of that lesson I started crying because I was so happy and grateful! Sister Huppi is so amazing! I learned so much from her that day!
Like you said, Satan tries to make you believe that you can't do it. That you are not smart enough or not qualified enough. He tries to make you doubt and have that unbelief. He makes you fear. But if we have faith and exercise that faith by being obedient and living our religion, the Lord will bless us. I can testify to that. I have a quote on my wall by Quinton L Cook and it says, "We should live life by faith not by fear." Miracles happen when we exercise our faith and believe! How much power is given to us when we just believe! God loves us so much! The church is so true!
Elder Fisher, I don't know if you have tried this but, in the beginning of the planner book it gives finding ideas and one of them is to ask everyone for referrals. Try asking investigators or people on the street for referrals. Ask them if they know anyone who just moved in. Or who just had a loved one pass away. Or ask if they know anyone who just had a baby. Or who is struggling and is in need of a spiritual message. People who are not members of the church have a lot more friends who are not members than members do. haha Also Elder, what is your mailing address? and how long do you think you will be in your area? I got your post card!! That made me happy :) 
Dad could you also give me the Grandparents mailing address?? Please and thank you! 

Also Family, I don't know if you are aware of this but this is what the mission president sent all the missionaries in the mission. 
Dear Missionaries,

In the coming days or weeks the Grand Jury is expected to announce it's verdict in the shooting case of Micheal Brown that incited all the riots in St. Louis two months ago. This has the potential to become a very volatile situation that could get way out of hand and become very dangerous. If it does, DO NOT GO ANYWHERE NEAR ANY PROTESTS OR DEMONSTRATIONS, stay far away and do not get involved in any way. Don't go close to take pictures or see what is going on. For your own safety just stay away. If you feel any danger stay in your apartment and call me. The ward members will be a big help if need be. I am sending this notice to the whole mission in the event some of you who are not currently in St. Louis are transfered here next week. Hopefully things stay calm and orderly but there are those who will want to make an issue out of what ever decision comes.

Keep your self safe,

President Morgan

We were going to go to down town St. Louis today and got to Paint Louis (There is a wall you can paint/Graffiti on!) and maybe the Arch but for now I think we will stay clear of the main city and stay in the suburb of St. Louis. I am sure there is no need for you guys to worry but I thought I would make you aware. One thing I do know is the Lord watches over his missionaries. 
I love you very much! And I pray for you all daily! 
Love Sister Fisher

Monday, November 3, 2014

Pumpkin Carving

NOOOOOO! You must put movie quotes up please!!! Mother! Please! It would be so cool! (Britt's response to Alysa's suggestion that we don't put movie quotes on the walls in the new movie room)

     My week was pretty good! We have also been doing a lot of finding and tracting and that resulted in a new investigator! Her name is Samantha and she is super cool. She lives by herself and is trying to get a job. And while we were talking to her in her home, someone called and asked to set up an interview with her which is super awesome! I hope she gets the job! She seems really interested in our church and even said that she would get baptized! We didn't even have to ask her, she brought it up herself! She couldn't come to church this Sunday because she was visiting her grandma but hopefully she will come next Sunday! Next Sunday is the Primary Presentation so we are trying to get ALL our investigators to come to that! Also we contacted a potential named Rob. He is younger and has a little family and seems pretty promising so we are going to shoot him a text this week to meet up with him. Also we just had an investigator get baptized this Sunday! It was super cool! It was the guy I told you about who stopped drinking and smoking! He was very excited about his baptism and I think he is awesome :) 
Seriously The Lord is preparing people everywhere to hear his gospel! Don't give up Brandon! They will come! Have faith, be obedient and God will put someone in your path! These are the Latter-Days! Where the gospel will flood the earth! That goes for people at home too! Have your heart and mind prepared to share the gospel and God will trust you with one of  his precious children. I want to hear about your missionary experiences at home! 
   Anyways the weather it pretty nice here. It hasn't snowed yet. They say they don't get snow here until the end of November/beginning of December. But it is slowly getting colder. The leaves are changing color and there are a lot of trees here so leaves are everywhere! It is a good service project though. But today the sun is shining, a little bit windy but it is beautiful out!
     My ward is the Webster Groves ward and we meet at 9am. There are a lot of young families in our ward and a lot of really good people! Also they are all really willing to fellowship new investigators! That really helps with missionary work! When the investigator has a friend,an assignment, and a testimony, that is what keeps them strong in the gospel. There are a lot of St. Louis Cardinal fans around here. There are also some family's from Alberta! There is the Broadheads from Cardston and the Wrights. I haven't been at there house for dinner yet but they said that they would have us over and talk about Canada and what not. I have heard of the name Broadhead before. I think there was some girl in my YSA ward that had the name of Broadhead. And do you think I am related to the Wrights? haha 
   Our Mission Ward leader is pretty cool. He is pretty young and he works for the St. Louis Rams Football team. He might be like one of the assistants to the coach. I am not exactly sure what he is. But we give an update text to him every night of what we did during the day. He is always very aware of who our investigators are and who we are seeing. Almost every Sunday we have a mission coordination meeting with him and discuss about the people we see and there needs and what we can do to give the investigators fellow-shippers. He helps gives ideas and organizes things and takes turns teaching the gospel principles class.
    My companion is pretty sweet. Sister Hayden is very loving and works very hard. She has been struggling a little bit this week though. She is really hard on herself and her stressing out is stressing me out a little bit. But I am trying to stay positive and up lift her and tell her that she is an awesome trainer! She has only been out for 6 months and is already training! So I believe God has a lot of trust and faith in her. And so do I :) I just hope I am not a burden on her. I am trying really hard to get better so I can help her as much as possible. 
   Halloween was great! I got your Halloween card last Monday too after I wrote you so thank you and I love and miss all of you! We had to have our cars parked at our apartments at 5pm. Then we could do what ever we want really. We could go anywhere in our area as long as we had a member drive us. But we were not aloud to dress up and we were not aloud to go tracting of course haha. 
Me and my companion stayed at our apartment and carved pumpkins! We carved pumpkins, ate pizza and listened to Mo tab :) It was a good night! One thing that I thought was interesting was in St. Louis the kids apparently tell a joke before the people at the door give them candy. Sister Hayden's pumpkin is the Washington temple and mine is a scary face :) 

All is well over here in St Louis :) I love you and pray for you every day. And I would love to hear from Justin! 
And stay warm! "...When all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall." Helaman 5:12 haha ;) 

Tim's Baptism!! (He is the guy in the middle) And then all the Sister missionaries that helped him in his conversion process and then The guy in the purple tie is a member from the ward who baptized Tim!